Jim Fourqurean, Ph.D.
Professor, SERC

Dr. Jim Fourqurean is an ecologist who specializes in seagrass ecology and biogeochemistry of coastal marine systems. He has extensive experience in the marine areas of south Florida, including Florida Bay, the Florida Keys, and Biscayne Bay. He has investigated the role of light and nutrient availability in seagrass physiology and ecology; the sources and fates of nutrients in bays and estuaries, and factors that limit primary production in the marine system. Current projects include: monitoring of status and trends of seagrass communities in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, analyzing long-term data on seagrass communities from Biscayne Bay, interpreting water quality data from south Florida marine environments, modeling of salt and water balances in Florida Bay, and using the elemental content of seagrasses and mangroves as indicators of ecosystem-scale patterns of nutrient availability. Department of Biological Sciences at FIU.