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4009 & AB15-5 Dorn (Arend) FPOK
4023 & AB16-2 Sah (Santiago) FPOK
4029 Troxler (Lauren) moved to Nov 8
4205 Dorn (Andrew)
4206 & TV26 Briceno (Jeff)
4301 Troxler (Emily)
AB15-3 M & B Marine Services
M17 M & B Marine Services
4206 & TV26 Briceno (Jeff)
AB15-3 M & B Marine Services
M17 M & B Marine Services
4206 & TV26 Briceno (Jeff)
M17 M & B Marine Services
4002 & KW17 Ogurcak (Addie) FPOK
4009 & AB15-5 Dorn (Arend) FPOK
4023 & AB16-2 Sah (Santiago) FPOK
4029 & AB15-4 Dorn (Jameg) canceled
4060 Kominoski (Veronica) canceled
4097 & J14 Rehage (Jonathan) canceled
4205 Dorn (Alex)
4206 & TV26 Briceno (Jeff)
4301 Troxler (Emily)
4302 & AB16-1 Dorn (Ariana) FPOK
AB15-3 M & B Marine Services
M17 M & B Marine Services
4002 Ogurcak (Addie)
4009 & AB15-5 Dorn (Arend) FPOK
4023 Fourqurean (Marco) canceled
4029 & AB15-4 Dorn (Jameg) canceled
4031 Price (Julian)
4060 Rehage (Jonathan) canceled
4097 Kominoski (Christopher)
4205 Dorn (Alex)
4206 & TV26 Briceno (Jeff)
4301 & AB16-2 Gaiser (Rafael T) FPOK
4302 & AB16-1 Dorn (Ariana) FPOK
AB15-3 M & B Marine Services
M17 M & B Marine Services
4002 Ogurcak (Addie)
4009 & AB15-5 Dorn (Arend) FPOK
4023 & AB16-2 Sah (Santiago) FPOK
4029 & AB15-4 Dorn (Jameg) FPOK
4060 Kominoski (Veronica)
4205 Dorn (Alex)
4206 & TV26 Briceno (Jeff)
4301 & P18-2 Kominoski (Kevin) canceled
4302 & AB16-1 Dorn (Ariana) canceled
AB15-3 M & B Marine Services Done
KW17 Ogurcak (Addie) FPOK canceled
M17 M & B Marine Services
4002 Ogurcak (Addie)
4002 & P18-2 Gaiser (Rafael T) moved to Nov 8
4009 Dorn (Arend)
4029 & AB15-4 Dorn (Jameg) FPOK
4097 Kominoski (Christopher)
4205 Dorn (Alex)
4206 & TV26 Briceno (Jeff)
4301 & AB15-3 Troxler (Emily) FPOK
4302 & AB16-1 Dorn (Ariana) canceled
AB15-5 Dorn (Arend) canceled
M17 M & B Marine Services
4002 & P18-2 Gaiser (Rafael T) FPOK
4009 & AB15-5 Dorn (Arend) canceled
4023 & AB16-2 Sah (Santiago) FPOK
4029 & AB15-4 Dorn (Jameg) FPOK
4031 Crowl (Brad) canceled
4031 Rehage (Victoria)
4060 Troxler (Lauren)
4097 & J14 Rehage (Jonathan) canceled
4205 Dorn (Alex)
4206 & TV26 Briceno (Jeff)
4301 & KW17 Troxler (Brian) FPOK
4302 & AB16-1 Dorn (Ariana) canceled
4302 & BBC boat Fourqurean (Marco) FPOK
M17 M & B Marine Services
4206 & TV26 Briceno (Jeff) FPOK
M17 M & B Marine Services
4206 & TV26 Briceno (Jeff)
M17 M & B Marine Services
4009 & J14 Rehage (Jonathan) FPOK
4029 & AB15-4 Dorn (Jameg)
4205 Dorn (Alex)
4206 & TV26 Briceno (Jeff) FPOK
M17 M & B Marine Services
4009 & ENP Boston Whaler Rehage (Jonathan)
4023 & TV26 Briceno (Sandro)
4029 & AB15-4 Dorn (Jameg) FPOK
4097 Kominoski (Christopher)
4205 Dorn (Alex)
4206 & TV26 Briceno (Jeff) FPOK
4301 & SH22 Troxler (Brian) FPOK
4302 & AB15-5 Dorn (Ashley) FPOK
M17 M & B Marine Services
4002 & KW17 Ogurcak (Addie) FPOK
4009 Gaiser (Franco)
4023 & AB16-2 Sah (Santiago) FPOK
4029 & AB15-4 Dorn (Jameg) FPOK
4031 Crowl (Brad) canceled
4031 & TV26 Briceno (Sandro)
4097 Sah (Carlos)
4205 Dorn (Alex)
4206 & TV26 Briceno (Jeff) FPOK
4301 & P18-2 Kominoski (Kevin) FPOK
4302 & AB15-5 Dorn (Ashley) FPOK
M17 M & B Marine Services
4002 Ogurcak (Addie)
4009 Gaiser (Franco) canceled
4009 & AB15-5 Dorn (Arend) canceled
4029 & AB15-4 Dorn (Jameg) FPOK
4097 Kominoski (Christopher)
4205 Dorn (Alex)
4206 & TV26 Briceno (Jeff)
4301 Troxler (Emily)
4302 & J10 Dorn (Ashley) FPOK
AB16-2 M & B Marine Services
M17 M & B Marine Services
4002 Troxler (Lauren)
4009 & AB15-5 Dorn (Arend) canceled
4009 & Halophila Fourqurean (Marco) canceled
4009 & P18-2 Kominoski (Kevin)
4023 & AB16-1 Sah (Santiago) FPOK
4029 & AB15-4 Dorn (Jameg) FPOK
4060 & SH22 Rehage (Jonathan) FPOK
4205 Dorn (Alex)
4206 & TV26 Briceno (Jeff) FPOK
4301 & KW17 Troxler (Emily) FPOK
4302 & J10 Dorn (Ashley) FPOK
AB16-2 M & B Marine Services
M17 M & B Marine Services
4206 & TV26 Briceno (Jeff) FPOK
AB16-2 M & B Marine Services
M17 M & B Marine Services
4206 & TV26 Briceno (Jeff)
AB16-2 M & B Marine Services
M17 M & B Marine Services
4002 & P18-3 Ogurcak (Addie) FPOK
4009 & AB15-5 Dorn (Arend) canceled
4023 & AB16-1 Sah (Santiago) FPOK
4029 & AB15-4 Dorn (Jameg) FPOK
4097 Kominoski (Christopher)
4205 Dorn (Alex)
4206 & TV26 Briceno (Jeff) FPOK
4301 & KW17 Troxler (Emily) canceled
4302 & J10 Dorn (Ashley) FPOK
AB16-2 M & B Marine Services
M17 M & B Marine Services
4002 Gaiser (Franco)
4009 Dorn (Arend)
4009 & AB15-5 Dorn (Arend) canceled
4029 & AB15-4 Dorn (Jameg) FPOK
4205 Dorn (Alex)
4206 & TV26 Briceno (Jeff) FPOK
4302 & J10 Dorn (Ashley) FPOK
AB16-2 M & B Marine Services
M17 M & B Marine Services
4002 & AB15-4 Dorn (Arend) canceled
4002 & KW17 Ogurcak (Addie) canceled
4009 & AB15-5 Dorn (Arend) FPOK
4023 & AB16-1 Sah (Santiago) FPOK
4029 & AB15-4 Dorn (Jameg) FPOK
4205 Dorn (Alex)
4206 & TV26 Briceno (Jeff) FPOK
4301 Troxler (Lauren)
4302 & P18-2 Kominoski (Christopher) FPOK
AB16-2 M & B Marine Services Done
M17 M & B Marine Services
4002 & KW17 Ogurcak (Addie) FPOK
4009 & AB15-5 Dorn (Arend) FPOK
4029 & AB15-4 Dorn (Jameg) canceled
4031 Crowl (Brad)
4205 Dorn (Alex)
4206 & TV26 Briceno (Jeff)
4302 & AB15-3 Dorn (Ashley) FPOK
M17 M & B Marine Services
4002 & P18-2 Kominoski (Christopher) FPOK
4009 & AB15-5 Dorn (Arend) FPOK
4023 & AB16-1 Sah (Santiago) FPOK
4029 Gaiser (Rafael T)
4029 & AB15-4 Dorn (Jameg) canceled
4031 Dorn (Nathan B) canceled
4031 FVS S
4205 Dorn (Alex)
4206 & TV26 Briceno (Jeff)
4301 & Halophila Fourqurean (Marco) FPOK
4301 & P18-3 Heithaus (William) canceled
4302 & AB15-3 Dorn (Ashley) FPOK
M17 M & B Marine Services
4031 FVS S
4301 & P18-3 Heithaus (William) canceled
M17 M & B Marine Services
4031 FVS S
4301 & P18-3 Heithaus (William) canceled
AB16-2 M & B Marine Services
M17 M & B Marine Services
4002 & P18-2 Kominoski (Christopher) FPOK
4009 & AB15-5 Dorn (Arend) FPOK
4023 & AB16-1 Sah (Santiago) FPOK **
4029 & AB15-4 Dorn (Jameg) canceled
4031 Crowl (Brad) canceled
4031 FVS S
4205 Dorn (Alex)
4206 & TV26 Briceno (Jeff) FPOK
4301 Briceno (Sandro)
4302 & J10 Dorn (Ashley) FPOK
M17 M & B Marine Services
4002 & AB15-3 Dorn (Arend) canceled
4009 & AB15-5 Dorn (Arend) FPOK
4029 & AB15-4 Dorn (Jameg) canceled
4031 FVS S
4031 FVS S
4097 Kominoski (Christopher) canceled
4205 Dorn (Alex)
4302 & J10 Dorn (Ashley) FPOK
AB16-1 M & B Marine Services
M17 M & B Marine Services
4009 & AB15-5 Dorn (Arend) FPOK
4023 & AB16-2 Sah (Santiago) FPOK
4031 FVS S
4097 Kominoski (Christopher) canceled
4205 Dorn (Alex)
4301 Gaiser (Franco) canceled
AB16-1 M & B Marine Services
M17 M & B Marine Services
4009 & AB15-5 Dorn (Arend)
4031 FVS S
4205 Dorn (Alex)
AB16-1 M & B Marine Services
M17 M & B Marine Services
4009 & AB15-5 Dorn (Arend)
4031 FVS S
4205 Dorn (Alex)
AB16-1 M & B Marine Services
M17 M & B Marine Services
4031 FVS S
AB16-1 M & B Marine Services
M17 M & B Marine Services
For questions regarding this calendar, contact: Webmaster  Created By Grafix WebCal Creator Licensed To: Florida International University